Prayer Management App for Global Evangelical Organization
01. The Challenge
GNPI (Good News Productions International) is a global evangelical organization based in Joplin, Missouri, USA. Its mission is to share the gospel through strategic evangelism and provide effective resources to increase global disciple-making efforts.
Today, GNPI has grown to include 25 teams in 16 countries. It has produced visual and audio media in more than 100 languages and shared the gospel with millions of people worldwide. With the growth of internet technology and social media, it has been developing platforms and strategies for engaging with different cultures and worldviews online.
The Redux prayer app was an iOS app developed by GNPI to allow users globally to create prayer lists and share them with others. However, in developing countries like India and across Asia and Africa, Android was the preferred platform and GNPI required an Android version of its Redux app.
02. The Solution
03. The Result
An intuitive prayer management app built in Flutter for the Android platform. Users on opening the app will land on the prayers screen. The page will be blank by default until the user starts adding prayers. Prayers can be added by pressing the add prayer button. Users will also have the option to search for prayers from the list.
The Home tab allows you to add prayers to a list, review the entries in a list, and pray through those entries. Prayers are added to a list by tapping the + button at the top of the screen and filling out the screen that is displayed.
Prayer can be added for a person or a topic. Adding a prayer for a person involves entering the Prayer, Subject, Photo, Name, Email and Phone. Users can either enter the person’s details or select the person from the device contact list. Adding a prayer for a topic will require the user to enter the prayer and Subject.
While adding a prayer, users can select contacts from their phone by clicking on the contact icon, which will then prefill the form with those details.